A Man with no Face

Man with no face - medical science offers new hope
The tumor on 51-year-old Jose's face is a collection of blood vessels that have expanded, producing a raised red area on the skin. Jose was born with a strawberry-coloured birthmark on his upper lip. At puberty it began growing, eventually smothering his lips, nose and one of his eyes. Now it is 33cm long and weighs 3kg.


Anonymous said...

does any one know if the tumour has been excised and what was the final outcome?

Anonymous said...

That is seriously sad, i feel sorry for him. Yet i wish him luck.

Anonymous said...

I am wondering if they were ever able to remove enough of the tumor to be able to be able to breath through his nose or be able to see better? I can relate with not wanting to get a transfusion but in his case I would hope that he changed his mind in order to be able to have a better quality of life to be able to spend time with his family longer. I would hate to see anything bad happen to him as I feel he has suffered a long time already and does not deserve the bad stuff. I have a son with Downs Syndrome so I know how people look at him differently and I know he does not like that even though he does not say anything but it is hard non-the-less.
Good Luck in your futute Jose!!!

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